About our newest Kid's Krate

This new subscription Kid’s Krate contains Bible verses and resources to help children (and their parents) memorize God’s truth. Each Krate is organized around a systematic plan based on memorizing verses from what God wants us to know about these concept areas: God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit, The Bible, Salvation, Creation, The Church, People, Family, and The Community & World.

Each month the ‘Hide ‘Em In Your Heart’ Kid’s Krates will contain four memory verses from a concept area, games to make memorization easier and fun, activities for reinforcement, and a craft or keepsake to further enhance the memorization process. They will also will also contain some goodies for parents and/or caring adults to help in training their children: theological explanations for each concept area, age appropriate truths each verse teaches, and application-oriented discussion prompts for helping them to live these truths.

Yes, the goal is to come alongside families with encouragement and resources which will help children learn God’s truth on a variety of important subjects. We want to help them learn to walk with God and practice His truths, increasingly reflecting His character to an unbelieving world. We believe this is a process so a one time purchase is not offered.

Yes, we strongly suggest using the method on the Simply Charlotte Mason website. Here is the method described using our resources. If you want to know a little more about Charlotte Mason, see the last question in this FAQ.

We are offering a Starter Kit. It will contain the custom binder, all the dividers noted, extra Copywork Sheets, and a Bible highlighter pencil. The cost for each Starter Kit is $44.00 plus shipping.

Almost all of the Bible memory verses are taken from the NIV translation. The International Bible Society states "the NIV delivers the very best combination of accuracy and readability.” There are a few verses in Year One from other translations which we think will be easiest to read, understand, and memorize.

This has been planned with the Elementary-Age child in mind (6-11) but this will vary by child. Your child should be comfortable writing. Copy work sheets are included in every Krate to be used with the Read-It, Write It, Reduce-It, Recite-It weekly format.

We recommend making memorization/review a daily habit and it should take no more than 5 to 10 minutes per day. This is not including participation in any of the games or application questions that we hope the family will engage in together.

Your payment will be drafted on the 10th of each month. Krates will be packed and ready for shipping within 10 days of that payment, sometimes earlier! If you sign up after the 10th of the month, then your payment will be drafted the following month on the 10th.  

There is no long term commitment.  We hope you love your Krates and we will be praying for your child, by name to find consistency and success in memorizing the Word of God. But, if you need to cancel your subscription, please visit this link. and fill out the form to cancel your subscription. Cancellation requests must be received prior to the 10th of the month or your cancellation will be completed for the following month.

More on Charlotte Mason

Charlotte Mason was a British educator who lived at the turn of the twentieth century. When Charlotte Mason talked about the knowledge that is important to give children, she cited, “First and chiefest is the knowledge of God, to be got at most directly through the Bible” Memorization was used by Charlotte Mason not so much to assimilate facts, but to give children material to meditate or "chew" on. “It is a delightful thing to have the memory stored with beautiful, comforting, and inspiring passages, and we cannot tell when and how this manner of seed may spring up, grow, and bear fruit.”

I believe this method came from a desire to help children build their lives upon the truth. I know that God is truth and speaks only truth.
Today’s children are growing up in a society of “your truth” and “my truth.” The idea of ultimate truth — something that is true at all times in all places and has relevance for our lives — is about as extinct as the dinosaur. Knowing who or what to trust is getting harder with every passing day.